Connect Creators

Connect Creators

Connect Creators

Connect Creators

Connect Creators

App Design

App Design

App Design

App Design

App Design

The Problem:

Upon embarking upon a career in the design industry, one of the primary challenges encountered by designers is establishing a notable presence for themselves. This entails not only showcasing their artistic prowess but also cultivating meaningful connections with fellow artists and potential employers. Some individuals refrain from sharing their work online due to apprehensions about facing negative criticism, while others struggle to garner sufficient attention, thereby experiencing a decline in motivation along their professional journey. While platforms such as Twitter and Behance offer avenues for exposure, they may only yield limited results, particularly for emerging designers who are in the process of constructing their portfolios from the ground up.

Furthermore, this predicament intersects with the issue of insufficient experience, wherein internships and unpaid positions present viable albeit arduous solutions. However, reluctance to engage in unpaid work may stem from a lack of awareness regarding the invaluable experience and networking opportunities these endeavors offer. It is worth noting that exceptions exist, with certain internships providing compensation for services rendered. The efficacy of such opportunities largely hinges on the reputation and resources of the organization offering them. For instance, renowned firms like Hassell in the realm of architecture have been recognized for their robust internship programs, which afford participants firsthand exposure to industry practices and facilitate connections with established professionals, thereby laying a solid foundation for emerging designers.



University of Salford

The Proposed Solution

The proposal for a specialised app catering to designers, integrating sharing features and online connectivity, is timely in today's digital climate, notably amid the Covid-19 pandemic. By facilitating connections with nearby designers and organising meetups at landmarks, the app bridges virtual and physical interactions. Its suite of online social features, including forums and virtual events, empowers users to exchange ideas and collaborate in real-time. This initiative not only addresses challenges faced by novice designers but also capitalises on the growing popularity of virtual networking, offering a valuable resource for personal and professional growth within the design community.

Competitor Research

Networking: Networking is a comprehensive mobile application designed to facilitate social expansion and community building. With a focus on connecting individuals in new areas or those seeking to diversify their social circles, the app offers a range of features. Users can host and discover events catering to various hobbies and interests, fostering meaningful interactions and relationships. Additionally, Networking provides connectivity features for seamless communication and collaboration, empowering users to exchange ideas and experiences effortlessly.

Joyn: Joyn is a mobile app dedicated to creating inclusive communities for individuals with mental disabilities. Through its online networking capabilities and community activities, Joyn offers a safe and supportive environment where users can connect with others facing similar challenges. The app provides access to valuable resources, support services, and a platform for sharing experiences. By promoting inclusivity and fostering a sense of belonging, Joyn enhances the well-being and quality of life for its users within a supportive community.

Ntac: Ntac is a groundbreaking mobile platform designed to facilitate business-to-business (B2B) connections and collaboration. This innovative app allows businesses to connect with like-minded peers, fostering the exchange of ideas and the creation of new initiatives. Through Ntac, entrepreneurs and professionals can collaborate, brainstorm ideas, and plan out business strategies for future growth and success. By facilitating strategic partnerships and collaborative efforts, Ntac empowers businesses to innovate and thrive in today's competitive landscape.

The apps Networking, Joyn, and Ntac effectively network diverse audiences with intuitive interfaces. While each targets different demographics—social interaction, mental disability communication, and business connections respectively—they share a common aim of fostering meaningful connections. Upon examining apps for connecting designers, it's evident that there's a scarcity of options in this niche. This underscores an opportunity for a specialized app tailored to designers' needs, leveraging successful features from existing platforms to fill this gap in the market.

Concepts & Low Fidelity
Low Fidelity Wireframes - Creative Clouds

The "Creatives in Your Cloud" feature enables users to share their creative work and receive feedback from fellow creatives within a virtual environment. Users have control over who can access their projects, ensuring a curated feedback experience. This interactive platform fosters collaborative dialogue and supports creative growth in a supportive and constructive manner.

Low Fidelity Wireframes - Creatives near you

The "Creatives Near You" feature employs a map interface to help users locate nearby designers. Users can explore profiles of nearby creatives, showcasing portfolios, degrees, and specialties. Additionally, the feature highlights creative checkpoints, such as exhibitions or meet-up locations, facilitating in-person connections with local designers. This feature caters to individuals who prefer face-to-face interactions, providing a convenient way to discover and network with fellow creatives in their area.

Low Fidelity Wireframes - Design Checkpoints

The app introduces "Creative Checkpoints," designated points of interest where users can convene, such as galleries, artistic cafes, or exhibitions. These checkpoints are visible on the map, indicating the presence of nearby creatives. Users can opt to toggle their visibility at these checkpoints for privacy reasons. This feature facilitates real-world connections and networking opportunities for users who prefer meeting in person.

Low Fidelity Wireframes - Design Checkpoints

After careful consideration, it has been determined that concept 1 is the most suitable choice for the main landing page. Concepts 2 and 3 were deemed overly cluttered with information, while concept 4, featuring "Creatives Near You" prominently, may be better suited for subsequent pages. Therefore, prioritizing clarity and user experience, concept 1 emerges as the optimal direction for the main landing page.

High Fidelity Pages
Discovery Page

On the Discovery page, I've curated a variety of features aimed at enhancing your experience. Upon entry, you'll receive a personalised greeting, setting the tone for your exploration. A clear title and subtitle provide context and direction for navigating the page.

To facilitate discovery, I've implemented categories, allowing you to refine your search based on your preferred design techniques. Additionally, featured designs showcase the work of fellow creatives, with indications of which designs have garnered approval from your friends, promoting community engagement and recognition of talented individuals.

Furthermore, I've incorporated a "Designers of the Week" tab, highlighting standout creators whose work merits recognition. Additionally, a "Trending Art" section provides you with access to the latest trends and noteworthy creations, akin to the trending page on popular platforms like YouTube.

My overarching aim for the Discovery page is to achieve a balance between minimalism and functionality, ensuring that you can easily navigate and discover content that resonates with your interests and preferences.

Profile Page

In conceptualising the profile page, my goal was to create a comprehensive platform showcasing designers' work alongside their interactions with others' art. Drawing from past app design experiences, I prioritised the seamless experience of scrolling through designs and artwork, ensuring user satisfaction.

Central to the profile page is the presentation of a designer's portfolio, providing a cohesive and visually appealing display of their work. Additionally, I incorporated a feature showcasing the artwork that the user has liked, fostering engagement and highlighting their artistic preferences.

Moreover, I introduced a badge feature as part of the development process, serving to denote the user's preferred design style. This badge system adds a layer of personalisation and identity to the profile, enhancing the user experience and facilitating connections within the design community.

Overall, the profile page serves as a comprehensive hub for designers, offering a seamless browsing experience and insights into their creative preferences and interactions.

Creative Clouds

Transitioning to the concept of the Creative Cloud page, I found particular enthusiasm as it facilitates collaborative discussions among designers regarding their projects. This feature allows users to engage in constructive feedback exchanges and idea generation, which I believe is invaluable in the design process. Personally, I find great utility in working alongside friends to brainstorm ideas and receive feedback during project development.

The Creative Cloud feature empowers users to seamlessly share their work-in-progress or completed projects, enabling real-time feedback from friends and peers, all accessible from their mobile devices. This interactive platform fosters a collaborative environment conducive to creativity and growth within the design community.

Creatives near you

The concept of Design Checkpoints emerged as an intriguing feature, providing users with the opportunity to organize meet-ups or events at art-themed landmarks and venues. This functionality not only facilitates networking and collaboration within the design industry but also encourages users to explore and engage with their local creative community.

Additionally, I integrated the "Creatives Near You" idea into the Design Checkpoints page, enhancing its utility and user experience. This feature enables users to discover nearby designers, showcasing their portfolios and contact details for potential interaction and collaboration. By merging these functionalities, the Design Checkpoints page serves as a comprehensive hub for connecting with like-minded individuals and fostering professional relationships within the design community.

Design Checkpoints

The Design Checkpoints feature embodies a sophisticated platform where users can elevate their artwork by promoting it to a broader audience. These checkpoints undergo periodic rotation, ensuring that users have the opportunity to showcase their latest creations to a diverse range of viewers. Upon selecting a specific location, users can not only determine its current trending status but also access a comprehensive history of visits made by their friends.

This innovative feature serves as a catalyst for engagement and recognition within the creative community. By providing a dedicated space for users to promote their work, Design Checkpoints facilitate meaningful interactions and collaborations among artists and designers. Furthermore, the ability to track trending locations and previous visits by friends adds an extra layer of depth to the user experience, encouraging exploration and discovery of new talent.

Ultimately, Design Checkpoints epitomise a dynamic platform designed to empower users to showcase their creativity, connect with like-minded individuals, and foster a vibrant and supportive community within the realm of design and artistry.

Final App

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