



App Design

App Design

App Design

App Design

Project Overview :

Today, we are all subscribed to many products/services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify etc. These platforms deduct money on a monthly/annual basis based on their users’ preferences. Some users feel overwhelmed by the constant money getting debited out of their accounts without clearly being able to understand or acknowledge the transaction. Sometimes they don’t even require the service anymore. How might you design a solution that helps track and manage these subscriptions?

Key Features:

  • Centralized Subscription Management: Manage all your subscriptions from one unified dashboard with ease. Whether it's streaming services, gym memberships, or utility bills, Recurr provides users with a centralized platform to track, manage, and optimize their subscriptions effortlessly.

  • Spending Insights and Analytics: Gain valuable insights into your subscription spending habits with detailed analytics and spending breakdowns. With Recurr, users can track their subscription spending over time, identify trends, and make adjustments to optimize their finances.

  • Reminder Notifications: Stay informed about upcoming payments and renewals with customizable reminder notifications. Recurr sends timely reminders to ensure users never miss a payment or renewal, helping them stay on top of their subscriptions effortlessly.

Design Process:

My journey with Recurr began by meticulously mapping out the information architecture of the app. This involved strategically organizing and structuring the various components and features to ensure an intuitive and user-friendly experience. Through this initial phase, I gained valuable insights into the user flow and navigation, laying the foundation for a seamless user experience.

From there, I proceeded to conduct extensive user research to understand the pain points users face in managing subscriptions effectively. This research phase allowed me to identify key user needs and preferences, informing my design decisions moving forward.

Design Process:

My journey with Recurr began by meticulously mapping out the information architecture of the app. This involved strategically organizing and structuring the various components and features to ensure an intuitive and user-friendly experience. Through this initial phase, I gained valuable insights into the user flow and navigation, laying the foundation for a seamless user experience.

From there, I proceeded to conduct extensive user research to understand the pain points users face in managing subscriptions effectively. This research phase allowed me to identify key user needs and preferences, informing my design decisions moving forward.

Next, I transitioned into the iterative prototyping stage, where I translated my insights and findings into tangible design solutions. By rapidly prototyping and iterating, I was able to refine Recurr's interface, addressing usability issues and enhancing user interactions along the way.

User Flows:

After completing the initial phase of user research, I transitioned into mapping out the user flow for Recurr. This involved translating the insights gained from the research phase into a visual representation of how users would navigate through the app.

Using tools such as flowcharts, wireframes, and user journey maps, I carefully outlined each step of the user experience, from initial onboarding to managing subscriptions and receiving personalised recommendations. I focused on creating a logical and intuitive flow that would guide users seamlessly through their subscription management journey.

Throughout the process of mapping out the user flow, I continually iterated and refined the design based on feedback from user testing and usability studies. This iterative approach allowed me to ensure that the app's navigation was intuitive and user-friendly, ultimately providing a seamless experience for users as they interacted with Recurr.

Low-Fidelity Mockups:

Following the mapping of the user flow, I transitioned into creating low-fidelity mockups for Recurr using Figma. Low-fidelity mockups serve as a foundational step in the design process, allowing for rapid iteration and exploration of design concepts.

Using Figma's intuitive interface and robust design tools, I sketched out rough representations of the app's interface, focusing on layout, structure, and content placement. These mockups were intentionally simple, omitting detailed visual elements to prioritize layout and functionality.

The creation of low-fidelity mockups in Figma enabled me to quickly test and validate different design ideas and iterate on them based on feedback from stakeholders and user testing sessions. By utilizing Figma's collaborative features, I was able to easily share and gather feedback on the mockups, facilitating a collaborative design process.

Throughout this process, I remained flexible and open to feedback, making adjustments and refinements to the mockups as needed. This iterative approach allowed me to gradually refine the design of Recurr and move towards higher-fidelity prototypes with confidence, knowing that the fundamental aspects of the user experience had been thoroughly explored and validated.

Design Process:

My journey with Recurr began by meticulously mapping out the information architecture of the app. This involved strategically organizing and structuring the various components and features to ensure an intuitive and user-friendly experience. Through this initial phase, I gained valuable insights into the user flow and navigation, laying the foundation for a seamless user experience.

From there, I proceeded to conduct extensive user research to understand the pain points users face in managing subscriptions effectively. This research phase allowed me to identify key user needs and preferences, informing my design decisions moving forward.

Next, I transitioned into the iterative prototyping stage, where I translated my insights and findings into tangible design solutions. By rapidly prototyping and iterating, I was able to refine Recurr's interface, addressing usability issues and enhancing user interactions along the way.

Final Designs:

After finalizing the low-fidelity mockups in Figma, I expanded upon them to create the final mockups of the Recurr app. This involved adding more detail, refining the visual elements, and incorporating feedback from stakeholders and user testing sessions.

Throughout this process, I remained mindful of maintaining consistency in design elements and adhering to established design guidelines. By iteratively refining the mockups based on feedback and testing, I was able to create a final design that effectively balanced aesthetics with functionality.

Once the final mockups were complete, I conducted thorough testing to ensure that the design met the needs of users and aligned with the project objectives. Any necessary adjustments were made iteratively to ensure that the final mockups accurately reflected the vision for the Recurr app.

The expanded low-fidelity mockups served as a crucial stepping stone in the design process, providing a solid foundation upon which to build the final mockups. Through careful iteration and refinement, I was able to translate the initial concepts into a polished and cohesive design that effectively addressed the needs of users and stakeholders alike.

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